Workshop Program

The glymphatic system: From theoretical models to clinical applications

4-5 October 2021, Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 35, 1553 Copenhagen V

MONDAY part I: Glymphatic transport in aging and neurodegeneration

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8:15-8:30 Meeting place opens

08:30 – Introduction to the clinical importance of the glymphatic system. H. Benveniste (Yale University)

09:00 – The role of AQP4 in brain fluid transport: A case-study in experimental practices in studying glymphatic function. J. Iliff (University of Washington)

09:30 – Good practice in studying the glymphatic system. I. Lundgaard (Lund University)

☕️ Coffee break

10:30 – Comparison of classical and glymphatic views on CSF circulation and fluid flows within the parenchyma. S.B. Hladky (Cambridge University)

11:10 – Discussion: Is the glymphatic system controversial, or simply not well understood? H. Benveniste (Yale University)

🥪 Lunch

MONDAY part II: Diffusion and flow in the extracellular space of brain tissue

13:00 – Evolution of diffusion measurements as a window onto the inaccessible ECS. C. Nicholson (New York University)

13:30 – The roles of advection and diffusion. J.H. Thomas (University of Rochester)

14:00 – Novel strategies based on super-resolution microscopy to visualize the anatomical structure and physical properties of the ECS. V. Nägerl (University of Bordeaux)

14:30 – The ECS is a dynamic domain that can change its structure during physiological and pathophysiological events. S. Hrabĕtová (State University of New York, Downstate)

15:00 - Assessing the impact of chemical fixation on brain tissue using super-resolution microscopy. A. Idziak (University of Bordeaux)

☕️ Coffee break

15:45 – Osmosis and changes in astrocytic cell volume as drivers of flow from the CSF to ISF. P. Bork (University of Copenhagen) and T. Bohr (Technical University of Denmark)

16:15 – Discussion: Defining system-wide glymphatic transport, including advection and diffusion. J.H. Thomas (University of Rochester)

Dinner for speakers


TUESDAY part I: CNS fluid and solute transport: Experiment and theory

8:15-8:30 Meeting place opens

08:30 – Mathematical modeling, hydraulic networks, and transport in the glympathic system following pathology. P. Hjorth (Technical University of Denmark) and E. Martens (Lund University)

09:00 – Basic quantitative flow parameters of the glymphatic system. K.N. Mortensen (Univ. of Copenhagen)

09:15 – Pharmaceutical modulation of CSF-ISF exchange. T. Lilius (Universities of Copenhagen and Helsinki)

9:45 – Developing a porcine model to study the glymphatic system in vivo. Nicholas Béchet (Lund University)

9:50 – Impaired cerebrospinal fluid transport due to idiopathic subdural hematoma in pig: an unusual case. N.C. Shanbhag (Lund University)

☕️ Coffee break

10:30 – Theoretical models of glymphatic flow: The role of artery wall motion. D.H. Kelley (University of Rochester)

11:00 – Discussion: What is next for studying CNS solute transport and fluid homeostasis? D.H. Kelley (University of Rochester)

🥪 Lunch

TUESDAY part II: Global models of glymphatic transport

12:45 – MREG – imaging glymphatic fluid transport? V. Kiviniemi (Oulu Univ)

13:15 – Effects of sleep and adrenergic inhibition on brain pulsations and AD risk in humans. S. Holst (NRU)

13:45 – Multimodal MR-based glymphatic imaging. Y. Mori (University of Copenhagen

14:15 – Theoretical/data driven models of CSF flow dynamics and glymphatic system transport. A. Tannenbaum (Stony Brook University)

14:45 – Estimates of the hydraulic resistance of different potential, parallel routes that CSF may follow through the glymphatic pathway. J. Tithof (University of Minnesota)

☕️ Coffee break

15:45 – Solute transport mechanisms in the CNS. A. Linninger (University of Chicago)

16:15 – Modeling of the brain-wide distribution of MRI tracers during sleep: Preliminary results. K.A. Mardal (University of Oslo)

16:45 – Closing discussion: What will move the field forward? M. Nedergaard (University of Copenhagen).

Dinner for speakers