6-7 October 2021, Maersk Tower 13.1.37, Blegdamsvej 3B, DK-2200 Copenhagen N
WEDNESDAY afternoon
13:00 – Biological utility of brain fluid transport and evidence for it. M. Nedergaard (University of Copenhagen)
14:00 – Diffusion in brain fluid transport. C. Nicholson (New York University)
☕️ Coffee break
15:15 to 16:45 – Journal club led by M. Nedergaard (University of Copenhagen) and C. Nicholson (New York University) discussing Kinney et al. Extracellular sheets and tunnels modulate glutamate diffusion in hippocampal neuropil, Journal of Comparative Neurology (2013) and Turner et al. Neurovascular coupling and bilateral connectivity during NREM and REM sleep, eLife 9.
THURSDAY afternoon
13:00 – Advection in brain fluid transport. J. Thomas (University of Rochester)
14:00 – Interactions, drivers, and synthesis. D.H. Kelley (University of Rochester)
☕️ Coffee break
15:15 to 16:45 – Journal club led by J. Thomas (University of Rochester) and D.H. Kelley (University of Rochester), discussing Tithof et al. Hydraulic resistance of periarterial spaces in the brain, Fluids and Barriers of the CNS (2019) and Wang et al. Varying perivascular astroglial endfoot dimensions along the vascular tree maintain perivascular-interstitial flux through the cortical mantle, Glia (2021).